Friday, January 28, 2011


I really need to quit smoking.

My grandfather was an avid smoker. He was playing basketball with me at the park when I was only a kid, probably six or seven years old. As he was smoking a cigarette, he looked at it, and I suppose it dawned on him that it tasted awful. He proceeded to flick it and never smoked since.

My father is also a smoker and still smokes to this day. He did all kinds of drugs in his day but the hardest one to let go of he says, are his precious cigarettes.


  1. I just told you about Allen Carr. Let me know if that works for you.

  2. You can expect a VERY difficult time with this, it is no joke about nicotine being the hardest drug to kick.

  3. I wish you the best of luck in this.

  4. Nicotine withdrawal is no fun, I'd think. I pray for your success in this endeavor.

    I like what I see on this blog, though. Keep up the good work! Follow't.


    Some facts to help motivate you. Hope you follow through, you won't regret it.

    U Laugh U Lose - For your daily laughs, you raff you ruse!

  6. Good luck! Check out the guy The Wyrdrem mentioned.

  7. Best of luck to you man. It's great that you are trying to quit though. That shit is seriously. SERIOUSLY bad for your health. My father's been a regular smoker and his health is just terrible right now.
    Definitely following man. Supporting in all the ways I can.

  8. I'd love to quit, but I don't think I can. I wish you the VERY best of luck! It's such a better lifestyle to not smoke.

  9. It's going to be hard, but one of the best decisions you'll ever make.

  10. This crap is more addictive than heroin. Good luck dood.

  11. Good luck man! I know it must be hard. My grandmother had a hard time stopping. In the end it's a really good choice for your health.

  12. I'm glad that I never got hooked to cigs, they do not seem to be worth the time/money/lifespan you pay to smoke em.

  13. Maybe try switching to the Blue electronic ciggarettes and gradually decrease nicotene?

  14. Oh, I wish I saw that moment when your grandfather quit smoking.
    The problem with nicotine addiction is that no matter how strong your will to quit smoking is (that helps you to overcome the psychical aspect of the addiction), you will still feel physically ill from the withdrawal. I don't actually know how it feels, but I think it might even be comparable to actual pain, which is terrible.
    Best of luck to you. Nice blog, followed. And keep us updated on your smoke-quitting status :)

  15. Man it's tough kicking an addiction.

    Stay strong, brother. Peace.

  16. My grandfather smoked for about 80 years, that says something about smokers dying early

  17. Good luck, man. Cigarettes suck.

    ~Randall A.

  18. Seriously, good luck with this man.
    Give it your all and you can't do it.


  19. I hear the patches help a lot, as does switching to Electrics. just sayin.

  20. I'd love to quit smoking but I'm still a student and cigarettes are really helpful when u study

  21. I've experienced it with my mom all my life with her trying to quit smoking constantly, doesn't look fun. Good luck with quitting :)

    following and supporting,

  22. i am glad ii am smart enough to not start smoking :)
    my parents thought me well even though they were both smokers

    and i usually laugh at friends who say 'imma stop smoking from now on'xd

  23. It's really hard for the first 3 days. Once you commit though, it gets easier! The withdrawal though is very hard...headaches, irritability..

  24. ive given up 3 times and counting

  25. im so glad i never started smoking ;o good luck tho

  26. I keep thinking about quitting but then I remember that cigarettes make me very happy so I wonder why I should quit. Good luck man.

  27. I've lost a lot of family due to smoking, it's really sad that it just straight up kills you.. I wish you the best of luck! Following :)

  28. good luck might be tough but worth it

  29. good luck dude, my grandfather smoked, it was a real hard habit for him to kick, but it can be done, again the best of luck. Following.

  30. Both of my parents are smokers, but they both refuse to quit...

  31. i quit a few weeks ago. wonder how long i'll last. it all starts when you do it or the buzz. then it becomes habit and the rest is history.

  32. I remember trying to kick the habit. It was damn hard. I spent too much on nicotine gum

  33. It is really one of the most fucked up drugs ever, you just cant quit.

    I hope oneday I am confident enought to do it.

  34. I haven't smoked my entire life, but I've spoken to people that say they rather smoke than have sex or money. :(

  35. how i quit smoking: through pack of butts out my window (lighter included) to a homeless man with a coffee and a meal. im sure it made his day, as it made mine. from then on ive been living off of +karma points feelings, and i must say its the easiest and greatest way to stay in shape mentally and physically. hope this helps.

  36. i am the only smooker in my fam, isnt that strange?

  37. I've never seen the appeal of smoking. Does it even give you a "high" of some kind?

  38. I smoke too much also, but not so many cigarettes, if you get what I mean! Following bro!

  39. Meh smoked a while back, didn't smoke too much so it was easy to quit

  40. my mother also is an avid smoker.. always tell her to quit. she always tells me never to start..

  41. when your fucked up there is nothing better than smoking a bogie. But as a habit, you cant do anything worse.

  42. my friend smokes and she drives me crazy. not only does she smoke every time we're in a car, but we live in a dorm and she begs me to go outside with her a couple times a night to smoke in the middle of winter. and i dont even smoke. she just wants me to stand there with her!

  43. Don't smoke, just DIP HARD MOTHERFUCKER
    Save the lungs rot the jaw

  44. Yeah shits terribly addictive...surprised you gpa had such an easy time, good luck to you

  45. Feed your addictive nature with something else. When you give up smoking, take up another hobby that can fill the time.

    Blogging? Online video games? Gym?

  46. no plans to quit anytime soon,still young, but every once in a while i think about how i'm going to have to quit sometime

  47. quitting to smoke is the easiest thing in the world.
    i've done it a hundred times.
    -Mark Twain

  48. So sad that smoke kills people and they still smoke.

  49. Smoking kills people my uncle diededed of smoking one time

  50. I hate smokers. they just annoy me. then when you say smokings bad they always say "ya know man, we all could die tomorrow, so whats the point in not smoking."

  51. I stopped quitting a couple weeks ago =D

  52. ive never known anyone to give up just like that

  53. You can do it! Just exercise instead of smoking, you'll be in better shape and it will distract you.
